Thursday, January 26, 2006

ketam and jagung

Your Hidden Talent

You have the natural talent of rocking the boat, thwarting the system. And while this may not seem big, it can be. It's people like you who serve as the catalysts to major cultural changes. You're just a bit behind the scenes, so no one really notices.

You Are 20% Abnormal

You are at low risk for being a psychopath. It is unlikely that you have no soul.

You are at low risk for having a borderline personality. It is unlikely that you are a chaotic mess.

You are at low risk for having a narcissistic personality. It is unlikely that you are in love with your own reflection.

You are at low risk for having a social phobia. It is unlikely that you feel most comfortable in your mom's basement.

You are at low risk for obsessive compulsive disorder. It is unlikely that you are addicted to hand sanitizer.

weehoo! im normal! yay!! and i have the natural talent of rocking the boat! ooh. maybe i was fated to row. haha. anyways. its thursday. and im having 2 free periods, wasting time taking all these random blogthings. how bored is aisyah? 99.128974% bored. the remaining 0.00 something percent is how not bored i feel. which means im really bored. but not so bored. cuz its not 100% bored. i still have some hope of unboredness left. yay!
omg. ketam ketttammm!!! oh. banyak banyak ketam!!!!
ahh yes. did u know i quit netball. like f-i-n-a-l-l-y. hah. yes. after 8 consecutive years of netballing, aisyah has finally quit netball. sigh. kinda sad think about it. but i have to make a choice, anyway. netball or rowing. if i choose both, i might as well forget about a levels. sports in singapore can never be more important than education. discuss. wahh. so gp-deepy seyy.. haaahs. and my hidden talent is rocking the boat anyway, right? ahhhah.. i must nurture my talents while i still can and yes! aisyah can do it! *pats on my shoulder*
lalas.. lalalalas...
today i wanna go rowing. last week, we had a 2km time trial on water and it was my first ever time trial in my life on a single boat. the previous race was during the merlion at seletar last year. but i dint complete it cuz i capsized a few bloody seconds right after the race began. hah. i know. how pathetic was that? 87.1476472% pathetic!! then i cried (oh surprise, surprise) , cuz its quite embarrassing to capsize in a race and i felt really shitty mitty. but then,
failure is just a stepping stone to success.
if i fall, i've got 2 choices. to stay down or get up.
hah. so cheesy weezy!! ketam ketam nyer!!! blahh. ok. shut up, aisyah. sigh. yep. where was i? ahh yes. so for my first ever 2km time trial, i managed to clock a time of 9:41 mins which was way below my target for the year which is 8 mins flat. haha. but it was an achievement for me cuz i dint capsized and my target for that day was below 10mins. yeyyey. met my target!! *applause for aisyah* but there's still a lot to improve laa. rock my boat, aisyah. rock my boat.
im supposed to lose weight but ive been eating like crazy these days!!! old chang kee's irressistable epok epok everyday? im disappointed in myself. i cant stand it. if it wasnt for rowing, i would never go on a diet. but i wanna rock the boat, so i must lose weight. ergh. the rock my boat thing is getting in my nerves!! i think i need to take the abnormal test again. i find myself quite abnormal...sigh.
oh and its nice to talk normally now after whatever shit and hell that broke lose had happened. but things wont be the same again, i presume. but we'll try to make things better. if he cant, i will. oh, aisyah's gonna make the world a better place. spread the love, people. spread aisyah-ism. haah. sigh. the world is just like my skin colour- its not fair. ahhh!!! ketam jagung!!! ketam!! jagung!!
anyways, i hafta go for my next lesson now.
toodledoos. =)

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