Thursday, August 03, 2006


its bloody 10 days to prelims. and my revision progress so far is BAD. BAD. BAD. i've been skipping school and making full use of my time at home to MUG. like seriously MUG. wake up at 5.30am. breakfast. glue my sore ass to my chair from 6am all the way to 5pm. i stand up for a few seconds to give my numb ass some rest, quickly sit down back and continue mugging. but i know i wont be able to finish revising everything for prelims. not possible. its too late. i know i shouldnt say that and i should say something optimistic but sometimes i have to face the truth, even if it hurts. i cant tell myself that i will get straight As for prelims cuz its not possible. and UHH... ECONS is so so painful. this is so so bad. i have a BAD feeling about this. im so dead.
and ive not been training for weeks now. i ran only once. and i've been eating alot to keep me awake and ARGH i can feel my muscles sagging into fats. my arms, my thighs, my claves, my tummy. this is terrible. im not kidding. i look so much fatter now. and when i sit down to mug, the packets and packets of flubber had to protrude and make me feel shitty and fat and ERGH. im turning into a ball of babats. i dont know whats that but i just cant take it. its annoying me. it bugs me wherever i am, whatever im doing. sitting down, mugging, eating, showering, praying, sleeping, walking, breathing, ARGH. everytime i sit to study, the fats will like you know, come out and it makes me wanna go running and rowing and stop eating but NO NO NO, i have this farking exams to sit for! so no running or rowing cuz it makes me tired and i must eat so that i can mug mug MUGGG!!!! no sleeping at night, no school in the day.

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