Friday, February 24, 2006
Thursday, February 09, 2006
ohh cool!! im featured in this german website!!! i miss germany!!! arghhhh!!!

Im Rahmen der Junioren-WM in Brandenburg betreut unser Verein die Rudernationalmannschaft aus Singapur, das heißt der RC Plaue stellt unseren Gästen, die vom anderen Ende der Welt angereist sind Unterkunft und Trainingsmöglichkeiten zur Verfügung. Das Ziel während des 3-wöchigen Aufenthalts soll die Vorbereitung und zugleich die Teilnahme an der Junioren-WM in der ersten Augustwoche sein. Die Ruderinnen und Ruderer aus Singapur gehen sowohl mit Saiyidah Aisyah und Ong Shu Ying im Juniorinnen-Zweier-ohne als auch mit Dev Anand und Ivan Lee im Junior-Doppelzweier an den Start. Trainer Raihan Bin Omar begleitet seine Schützlinge während der Trainigseinheiten, die mehrmals täglich auf dem Plan stehen mit dem Motorboot. Unser Verein unterstützt die Ruderer aus Singapur so gut wie möglich um eine möglichst erfolgreiche Teilnahme an der JWM zu erreichen. -CP-
Am 27.7.05 besuchten die Nachwuchssportler der KITA "Plauer Spatzen" den Ruderclub Plaue. Die Kinder, welche von Anke Drese an den Rudersport herangeführt werden, waren sehr aufgeregt als Sie mit der Nationalmannschaft der Ruderer aus Singapur zusammen trafen. Erst sehr schüchtern dann aber doch hoch erfreut konnte man die Sportler auch hautnah erleben. So etwas passiert ja nicht alle Tage, dass eine Nationalmannschaft im Heimatort beherbergt wird.Am Sonnabend sind die Sportler aus Singapur gemeinsam mit den Ruderern des Vereins dann auf der kleinen Regatta zum Fischerjakobi zu sehen bevor Sie auf der Wettkampfstrecke in Brandenburg bei den Juniorenweltmeisterschaften um größere Erfolge rudern.
anyway, talking about chocs, we're doing a chocolate theme for fun o rama, which is like next sat. too freakin early, goddammit!! ahhhh!! oh, yes. the point is, u must buy our chocolate stuff. brownies, fondue, marshmallows, blah...choc here choc there. on my hands, on my tongue, down my throat, in my tummy. into my fat glands. then they store and make me fat. and it takes at least 30mins of jogging to lose that bite of chocolate i took. ahhh...where was i? got carried away...ahh yes. buy chocs from 2ahr at fun o rama. bloody high quality chocs which cost a bomb for us but we sell it to u at low low prices. dont doubt me. im a choc-fanatic.
i was supposed to sell fun o rama tickets at sp yesterday but ended up selling none and eating their shepherds pie from foodcourt 6 instead. hahh. im such a lazy bum. anyway, ive only got 5 more to sell. wont be tough, will it? sigh.
oh and we had cross country yesterday. yesterday was the hottest day of the week, i swear. the worst thing to do at macritchie was to wait. wait for people to arrive, wait for the guys to start their race, wait for our turn to start, wait for the finishing line to approach nearer. sigh. oh, there were no monkeys, so i dint step on one like what i almost did last year. almost, mind u. if i ever stepped on a monkey i wouldn't bother running in macritchie ever again. anyway, yes. it was scorching hot and humid and stuffy and the path was rocky and rooty and treacherous. the uphills were bloody killers. the expressway dint seem to end. i ran and ran and ran and i had that funny thought that i was like 30 something in position.
im so happy, and when my mum came home at night, she bought chocolate hl milk. i like. haha. my other achievement for the year is to do well for my terms. insyaallah.
my legs look like big, fat, chunky chocolate bars.
aisyah =)
Friday, February 03, 2006
oh. the chinese new year holidays were pretty exciting. ac perbayu performed a dikir barat on friday. which turned out pretty cool. and people loved it. ahh. this is us:
i lurve this pict. dont we look good? im the only one wearing white. and i know i look like a guy!! scary mary. i brought 5 baju kurungs and i dint get to wear any of them. haha.
anyways, it was really fun. even tho we had to go tru shit and hell sometimes. never smile kena scold. never gallop also wrong. haah. ahh yes. im smack right in the middle of the first row. dengdeng. everyone was so semangat. i love them!!
look at the concentration on our faces laa. :)
haha. anyway, i wore contacts on that day which made my eyes went all red and watery. on my way to orchard to meet alyani, i swear i couldn't open my eyes! bloody hell. i look like a drugged minah who just got punched by her abusive boyfriend or something. haha. well, in short, i look terrible! yup. met yani. then, we walk walk around taka cuz i wanted to go kino to search for something for my mummy's birthday which was on 6th jan. i know. im such a lousy daughter. then, yani fell in love with this rare species some sort of my type : long-legged animals laa. haha. this is the long-legged sheep and yani:
after that, we met astri and had lunch at sakura, far east. astri is still loud and minah-ish. haha. i miss her. oh and we met hafidz ("bitch") and daniel and they joined us for lunch. quite random laa. haha. and this photo was taken by hafidz:
alright. i met my mum after that. yani looked so shagged la. must be the fried mars bar. den guess where my mum brought me for dinner? desa kartika. i know. i swear i gained 3kg that night. damn. there goes my "lose 5kg by end of jan" goal. ergh.
oh and on sat, my daddy had bbq. it was just too hard to not eat. there was melted cheese on sausages, halal bahkwah...damn. i think im growing fat. and dying. seriously.
oh no. no. no. NO. it doesnt end there. i dint go for rowing trainings neither did i run during the cny holidays. and on tuesday, my family and i went to malacca to eat. yes. we paid like $40 each to eat seafood all the way at malacca. and the best thing in the world is, i DONT eat seafood. so i went all the way there to eat rice and 3 pieces of fried chicken wings. o-m-g. i dint buy anything else either.
sigh. and cross country's next week. and this week i only went rowing once. aisyah needs a kick on her big, fat, lazy ass. who would do the honour?
today we had to write anything that comes to our mind about control. and i spend like half of the given time staring at that word and thinking how weird it looks like. have u tried that before? like u stare at a word and it will just look weird somehow. or maybe its just one of the one hundred and one stupid things aisyah does. maybe.
hah. i gotta go now.
The Visa Story
So, I'm kinda tired of explaining this visa thing over and over again. I know people are interested to know what's going on with my ...
Next week, we'll be travelling to KL for the annual SEARF Championships. Objective is to come home with at least a medal each so that w...
sometimes, i envy those people who come home to their dad's arms. i dont get such privilege since i was 5. my dad's still here, but ...
Crazy. It's already March. My table at work looks like I have been working here for 35years. Wait, what table? All I see are piles and p...