Thursday, December 02, 2010

10 things.

1. Down with migraine and lousy cramps. Googled them and got : Menstrual Migraine.
PMS. check.
nausea. check.
bloatedness. check.
late onset of period. check.
feeling like a total shit. check.
vomitting my breakfast, lunch and dinner last night. check.
letting the world know that im having menstrual migraine. check.

2. waking up at 11.30am feeling grogggggyyyyyyyy. sucks.
i hate wasting my mornings.

3. having 1,000,000 things to do but spent the last 3 hours lying on bed telling myself that im sick and its okay not to be doing work and i will do it tomorrow or the next day when i feel better, knowing that the next few days i will be so packed with activities i know i wont have time to do but im just lying to myself that i will get work done then.
in other word: to PROCRASTINATE.

4. wondering whether the guy you love loves you back the same way u love them. feeling feeling 18 again. (must be the stupid PMS. ugh.)

5. having this immense need to WHINE MY HEART, LUNGS, THROAT, GUTS OUT to someone.

6. replying text messages with ":(" just cuz you dont know what to say and you just feel that way :(

7. :(

8. cant even think of 10 things to spill. the migraine virus must have eaten up 3,486,293 of my brain cells.

9. i want to train but i shall stop being stubborn once in a while and REST. or should i train? no. rest. but i need to sweat it out. NO REST. TRAIN. REST.
UGH. i hate being sick :(

10. telling myself that i should just stop feeling sad and be awesome instead.
the lies you try to tell yourself.

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