firstly, i must apologize for forgetting thanking EVERYONE.
which i should have done weeks ago.
im so lousy.
dearest friends and family,
and to whoever out there who have given me all your support, love, care, concern and all your prayers when i was in thailand for the sea games. i wanna say THANK YOU, from the bottom of my heart which beats at 49 beats per minute as recorded last in november.
i cannot be more grateful than to have a bunch of people like YOU around.
(eh i think if i were to die and my heart were to be donated to someone, that person must be damn lucky to have a heart like mine.
im serious!
dont u think so?
thank you MAK!
u nag alot, like seriously ALOT, mak, but that what makes u a MUM i think. okay, and sorry im the laziest dauhgter in the world and i dont do housework and i cant bloody cook, i know i know. but thank you anyway for allowing me to go for training every single morning. thats good enough. :) and when i was in thailand i know uve been praying for me everyday. thats why i came back not only in one piece but with a medal. thank you, mak!!!
thank you dad,
for your constant prayers for me. even though ure hardly there for me i know u always care for me and love me. i hope i made u one proud daddy. :)
thank you to my brothers,
for constantly reminding me that u guys have one fat sister. it gives me motivation to lose weight. thank you for calling me fat and always pinching my fats and making me feel offended and FAT. thank you, guys, really.
the medal's for you guys.
most annoying creatures,
but most loved. :)
omg, isnt ur sister so damn bloody sweet?
and fat?
okay fine.
thank you rowing association,
for giving me this opportunity to represent the nation. for giving me a boat to row on, for giving me a reservoir to row in, and for all the trips everywhere around the world.
but no thank you for the very little allowance i get, and nothing else after the sea games. not even $10 to top up my ezlink.
oh well.
thank you fahma,
feels good telling the world i have a personal nutritionist/dietician. u are never stingy on giving me free resources from sports council. thank you for all the breeze juices, beroccas, gatorades, chewy bars, weider in jellys, power bars and the liquid diets. i shall see u again soon.
once a lightweight, always a lightweight. :)
thank you hazi,
for being my bitching partner and my shoulder to cry on, even though i have to bend down so low to cry on ur shoulders. i dont know what i'll do without you, seriously.
thank you shaik,
for always being there for me. thank you for always listening to me whine and complain and whine and complain and whine and complain and yeah, i know i never stop but u never stop listening. thank you for believing in me.
thank you coach,
for scaring the shit out of me the first time u arrived and coached us. haha. seriously u were bloody scary and fierce and ur trainings were tough SHIT HELL TOUGH and i thought u were crazy and i still think u are but THANK YOU THE MOST for making me who i was at the games. without ur shouting and scolding i wouldnt have won that medal. thank you for all those night walks around the hotel. it was the best moments when i was there. thank you for sharing with me so many things. and thank you for believing in me.
and thank you for not allowing me to quit rowing. there goes my plans. huuuhah!
craziest and coolest coach ive ever had. please come back.
thank you saiful,
for being my motivation from across the straits of malacca. thinking of u makes me PULL harder. and of cuz, thank u for always believing in me. ure my most expensive sms buddy still u know. hahaha. :)
thank you friends,
arina, ama, hazri, izzaty, elly, nadd, filzah, nadia, rauf, shahul, khairul, izzat, sha, raf, shuying, haida, walid, amirah, atiqah, mimi, mimin, omg, omg, omg, plenty, EVERYONE!!!
THANK YOU for your prayers and support.
and LOVE.
so much of it.
omg im gonna cry.
second reason why i deserve a whacking in the head is because i volunteered myself to be the Project Director for the upcoming PBM project.
they say aisyah kan orang laut, this is so not me.
u know what?
i couldnt agree more.
but okay since im already PD, lets prove them that rowers have brains too.
and thirdly,
i was writing this ridiculously long email
and my stupid internet connection just went dead
and everything was gone.
BEST tak?
oh, memang best.
next week aisyah gi holiday pat KL.
PD pergi holiday?